Laser Eye Surgery:  A Step by Step Preparation Guide


Laser eye surgery has become an increasingly popular solution for individuals looking to correct their vision without glasses. With modern laser technology, this procedure has become safer and more effective than ever before. However, as with any surgical procedure, proper preparation is key to increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome. In this blog post, we will explore the steps you should take to prepare for your laser eye surgery and set yourself up for a smooth recovery.

Do Your Research and Choose the Right Laser Eye Surgeon

Before undergoing laser eye surgery, it’s essential to find a reputable and experienced surgeon who specializes in refractive surgery. Research different clinics and surgeons in your area, read reviews, and schedule consultations to discuss your options. Keep in mind that not all patients are candidates for laser eye surgery. An expert refractive surgeon is experienced in multiple vision correcting procedures such as LASIK, PRK surgery, EVO ICL, and RLE. Be wary of those who only perform LASIK, claim that all patients are a candidate for LASIK, or have an exceptionally low price. Your vision is worth spending the time, effort, and expense of having the procedure performed by an expert Above all, you should feel comfortable that this is the right surgeon for you.

Discuss Your Medical History and Medications

During your consultation, your surgeon will ask about your age and medical history, focusing on any eye-related conditions and previous surgeries. Be honest and thorough in your responses, as certain medical conditions may affect your eligibility for laser eye surgery. Additionally, inform your surgeon about any medications you’re taking, as some may interfere with the procedure or recovery process. If you are a contact lens wearer, you will be asked to discontinue the use of contact lenses for a period of time before your preoperative measurements and surgery, as contact lenses can alter the shape of your cornea and affect the surgery’s outcome.

Schedule a Preoperative Eye Examination

Once you have selected a surgeon and you feel comfortable under their care, they will schedule a comprehensive preoperative eye examination to assess your vision and overall eye health. This evaluation will include measurements of your precise glasses prescription, the shape of your cornea and your eye, your corneal thickness, and your pupil size. These factors will help your surgeon determine if you are a suitable candidate for laser eye surgery and which procedure will be the most effective. It is important that your surgeon utilizes advanced diagnostic equipment to evaluate the shape of your cornea (anterior and posterior surfaces), higher order aberrations of your eye, and ocular surface testing. 

Pre-Eye Surgery Tips

Refrain from wearing makeup, perfume, or scented lotions on the day of your surgery to minimize the risk of infection.

Prepare for Laser Surgery Recovery

A successful recovery starts with proper preparation. Gather the necessary items and make arrangements to ensure a comfortable and stress-free healing process:

  • Arrange for transportation: Your vision will be blurry immediately after surgery, so be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home afterward. At the Cornea and Laser Eye Institute, we can aid in arranging transportation for you. 
  • Keep preservative free artificial tears on hand:  For a few weeks after laser eye surgery your eyes may feel dry intermittently. Preservative free artificial tears will aid in your comfort and improve your vision faster than without them. Keep in mind that not all preservative-free artificial tears are the same, only use the ones recommended by your surgeon. 
  • Pick up all prescribed medication prior to surgery: A successful outcome hinges on the surgeon to perform a good procedure and for the patient to follow the post operative care instructions. Medications are critical to success, so ensure you have all of them no matter the cost or hassle. Sometimes this means you will need to go to multiple pharmacies to order your medication or avoid pharmacy substitutions. At the Cornea and Laser Eye Institute, we provide your prescribed medications to you as part of your LASIK procedure to make it a hassle-free experience.  
  • Prepare a comfortable recovery area: Set up a quiet, dimly lit space with your essentials, such as water, snacks, and any prescribed medications within easy reach. Though you only have discomfort for a day or two, making yourself comfortable and relaxed is key.  
  • Plan for time off work: Depending on your occupation, you may need to take a few days off from work to recover. Be sure to clear your schedule and inform your employer in advance.

Manage Your Expectations

It’s important to have realistic expectations about the results of your laser eye surgery. While the vast majority of people experience significantly improved vision, some may still require glasses or contacts for certain activities. Discuss your expectations with your surgeon and maintain open communication throughout the process.


Proper preparation is crucial for the success of your laser eye surgery. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth procedure and recovery, ultimately leading to improved vision and a better quality of life. The Cornea and Laser Eye Institute is proud of our long history of excellence in vision correction surgery, with deep roots that can be traced back to the origins of laser vision correction as part of the Harvard laser laboratory.

Our clinic has played a central role in the development and FDA approval of laser vision correction, consistently remaining at the forefront of innovation in the field. As one of the first clinical investigators of LASIK, we have also been pioneers in adopting and developing the femtosecond laser for all-laser LASIK, topography-guided LASIK, EVO ICL procedure, and premium cataract surgery. Many of the procedures performed by surgeons around the world today were researched or developed by our experts.

 By adhering to the steps outlined in this guide, you will be setting yourself up for a successful procedure and recovery at our clinic. When you choose the Cornea and Laser Eye Institute for your laser eye surgery, or another vision correction procedure, you can feel confident that your vision is being cared for by our experienced team. With our legacy of excellence, innovation, and patient care, you can trust that you are in the best hands for your vision correction journey.

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