Category: Uncategorized


Cataracts: Why They Occur and When You Should Call Your Eye Doctor

Cataracts: Why They Occur and When You Should Call Your Eye Doctor

Cataracts occur when the eyes natural lens becomes clouded with clumped up proteins. These proteins block light as it enters your eye which causes your vision to become gradually more blurry and if left unchecked could result in complete loss of vision. These clouded lenses negatively impact your quality of life by making it difficult […]

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Glare and Halos: Cause, Effect and Solution

Light glares and halos at night

Our ability to see anything is dependent on light, so it is only natural to assume when light is disrupted by a defect on our retina that it would affect our vision. The two most common vision defects people experience are glare and halos. Halos appear as bright circles around sources of light, you will […]

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3 Non-Hygienic Habits Most Contact Lens Users Develop

Close up of woman putting in contact lens

Chance are, if you are one of 35+ million contact lens users in America, you were taught all the basics of proper contact lens hygiene when you first received your prescription. There are probably even better odds that you currently aren’t following those contact lens hygiene basics you were taught every single day. Millions of […]

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Beyond The Cool: How Sunglasses Protect Your Vision

Sunglasses being held up to setting sun

Sunglasses have been synonymous with the idea of “cool” for a long time and it isn’t hard to imagine why. It is hard to picture sunglasses without thinking about Tom Cruise rocking aviators while riding on a motorcycle. Sunglasses have been an important fashion accessory in our society for a long time now, but it […]

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Spring Allergies: The Cause and How You Can Reduce Your Exposure

Woman outside with dandelion

Well it is officially Spring, a time of beauty where plants spring into life and also a time of season allergies. Ocular allergies, commonly referred to as “eye allergies” are one of these Spring frustrations that millions of people deal with every year. If you suffer from Spring allergies, then you might end up having […]

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A new treatment for keratoconus, called corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL), was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on April 18, 2016. The approval was granted to Avedro, Inc. for Photrexa Viscous, Photrexa and the KXL System. Collagen crosslinking uses a combination of riboflavin (a form of vitamin B2) and ultraviolet light. When use […]

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Dry Eye Disease: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment


What is Dry Eye Disease? Tears play a crucial role in eye health by providing continuous moisture, nourishment, and protection to the ocular surface, and they also contribute to clear vision. In dry eye disease, the eye’s tear film becomes dysfunctional, leading to damage of the cornea and ocular surface due to friction and inflammation.  […]

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5 Tips to Help Protect Your Vision in a Digital World

5 Tips to Help Protect Your Vision in a Digital World

In an increasingly digital world issues such as digital eye strain are becoming more prevalent than ever before. The use of digital devices has become so ingrained in our day-to-day lives that we would have trouble surviving without them both professionally and personally. Every year that goes by we become even more dependent on these […]

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What Does It Mean To Have A Color Vision Deficiency?

Black and white photo of rowboat pulled up on bank

Color vision deficiency or, as it is more commonly known, color blindness, occurs when you are unable to perceive a wide spectrum of colors that the eye should be able to see. Color blindness can affect people at a variety of different levels, some may just only be unable to discern shades of red and […]

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3 Ways To Ward Off Eye Strain In The Workplace

Woman with tired eyes

Digital eye strain is a rapidly growing issue in today’s computer reliant world. If you work in an office, chances are you will be spending quite some time in front of a computer screen which can cause your eyes to strain. In fact, 70 percent of Americans who work with computers on a daily basis […]

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