Category: Uncategorized


5 Things You Can Do To Protect Your Vision From Macular Degeneration

Mature couple outside

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a very common eye condition among senior citizens. AMD damages your central vision, which makes it difficult to recognize faces, write, read, paint, and do really anything that involves making out the small details. This makes it a real problem for the older crowd. Thankfully, today we have devised some […]

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2016 Princeternship

2016 Princeternship

Ophthalmologist Dr. Peter Hersh (’78) and his team at the Cornea and Laser Eye Institute-Hersh Vision Group in Teaneck, New Jersey, specialize in corneal surgery and care. On the morning of my Princeternship, I arrived just in time for the first surgery of the day. After brief introductions were given, I was suited up in […]

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3 Reasons Why It Is Time To Ditch Your Glasses For LASIK

Young man tossing eyeglasses in air

Think back to the moment when your eye doctor first told you that your vision was not 20/20 and you needed glasses. For most people, this moment was not a happy moment, but a moment of panic. For years’ glasses have carried with them an unfortunate social stigma—phrases like “four eyes” come to mind. If […]

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3 Reasons Why You Should Prepare For Summer With LASIK

Woman in winter clothes with frosted sunglasses

Yes, maybe it is a little early to be talking about summer, but it is a good idea to plan things out beforehand so you can maximize the beautiful summer weather. Studies show that fewer people choose to undergo laser eye surgery during the summer than during any other season. The reason behind this is […]

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5 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Are A Contact Lens User

Contact Lens Case

The human eye is very sensitive to bacteria and debris, which makes contact lens use a liability for many people. It is easy to not take the necessary precautions with contact lenses, because we assume that nothing bad will happen if we cut corners just a little bit in regards to lens hygiene. Of course, […]

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Outer Space Challenges Ophthalmologists To Think Out Of This Orbit

Space satellite

The space age has brought a lot of new technology to the planet Earth that we now use commonly every day. Outer space is full of dangers that astronauts must trust in technology to overcome. As it stands right now though, astronauts remain vulnerable to the many of the dangers of outer space. Traveling in […]

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Eye Injuries and Eye Doctors: To See, or Not To See?

Eye doctor examining older patient

Have you ever scratched your eye on accident? This could easily be done by something like an article of clothing, hairbrush, or even a fingernail and cause what is called, a corneal abrasion. These types of injuries are considered pretty minor and usually cause discomfort for only a few minutes and then go away; however, […]

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Diabetes: The Dangers it Presents to Your Eye Health

Close up of eye with laser overlay

Over 9% of Americans suffer from diabetes, and approximately 1 out of 3 diabetic adults are affected by diabetic retinopathy. There are quite a few ocular complications caused by diabetes, but diabetic retinopathy is considered to be the most severe. Here are some diabetes related ocular complications to look out for: Diabetic Macular Edema – […]

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Just How Serious Are Eye Floaters?

bright sun against a deep blue sky

Eye floaters are most commonly caused by the separation of the vitreous body from the inner walls of the eye. As you age, the vitreous gel in your eye liquefies and shrinks, thus weakening the inner wall. When the vitreous detaches it begins to condense—this causes the floaters the average person notices in their vision. […]

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Eye Cancer Symptoms & Early Warning Signs in Adults

Eye doctor examining older patient

Ocular Cancer, commonly referred to as “eye cancer,” starts when healthy cells throughout the eye begin to experience uncontrollable change and grow, this causes the growth of tumors. While ocular cancer is rare there are two basic types of ocular cancer that you should be on the lookout for: The symptoms of ocular cancer are […]

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