Category: Uncategorized


Dr. Hersh featured as Top Doctor!

Dr. Hersh featured as Top Doctor!

Dr. Peter Hersh is featured in Inside Jersey’s Top Doctors 2015 issue! Dr. Hersh is currently serves as Director of The Cornea and Laser Eye Institute and CLEI Center for Keratoconus, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Rutgers – New Jersey Medical School, Visiting Research Collaborator at Princeton University and Team Ophthalmologist for the NY Jets. […]

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The Three Types of Cataracts and What you should be on the Lookout For

Close up of eye with high tech graphic overlay

Most people over the age of 40 that suffer vision loss are developing cataracts. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness throughout the entire world. The number of cases of cataracts far eclipse the amount of glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy cases combined! There are three types of cataracts: Subcapsular Cataracts: Occurring at the […]

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Allergies and What it Might Mean For Your Eyes

Close up of woman's irritated eye

Allergies tend to be associated with a runny nose, scratchy throat, or just an increased level of sneezing, but allergy symptoms come in a lot of different varieties. Unfortunately for many, allergies can cause all types of discomfort for the eyes, ranging from swelling to a persistent itchy feeling. If you find that your eyes […]

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How Does Smoking Affect Your Eyes & Vision?

Brush burning on forest floor

Wildfires can be an issue anywhere when there isn’t enough rain during the hot summer. If you live in California, then you most likely already know the dangers these wildfires pose to the ecosystem and neighboring towns. A lesser known fact about fire is that the smoke can be equally as detrimental to your health […]

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Virtual Reality Headsets: Toys? Or Future Medical Tools?

Woman with Virtual Reality headseat

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of virtual reality headsets is their function in the entertainment industry. Virtual reality is the new frontier of the entertainment world, but could there be more to the technology than meets the eye? Amblyopia, or “lazy eye,” occurs when one of your eyes vision […]

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The Danger Diabetes Presents to the Health of your Eyes

The Danger Diabetes Presents to the Health of your Eyes

Diabetes is a growing issue throughout the world, with an estimated 382 million people suffering from it in 2013. If not treated, diabetes can lead to other serious medical complications such as: ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke—but did you know that diabetes can also affect your eyes? According to the American […]

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7 Different Foods That Are Good For Your Eyes

Baskets full of fresh vegetables

There are a lot of different foods out there that help to promote good eye health, but how many do you know about? In this article we talk about some of these foods and how they can be beneficial to your daily diet. Orange Vegetables I’m sure you remember at least one person telling you […]

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Common Misconceptions Regarding UV Safety

Yellow umbrella against sunny blue sky

Most people know to protect themselves from Ultraviolet (UV) rays using traditional sunblock because of increasing skin cancer awareness. It is a less common understanding when it comes to the dangers UV radiation poses to your eyes, but like skin cancer awareness, it is becoming a growing concern around the world. It is good to […]

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Things to Look for when Purchasing New Sunglasses

Sunglasses on beach

Sunglasses can give you instant James Dean cool or Audrey Hepburn glamour, but they’re much more than just a fashion accessory. Sunglasses are an essential tool in safeguarding the health of your eyes. Sunglasses provide critical protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Long term exposure to UV rays can damage the surface of […]

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Dr. Hersh attends scientifc CXL meeting in Switzerland

Dr. Hersh attends scientifc CXL meeting in Switzerland

Dr. Hersh recently returned from Zurich Switzerland where he met with a group of the leading scientists and researchers in collagen crosslinking. Along with basic science discoveries, Amongst the new innovations discussed was topography controlled crosslinking. The procedure will allow crosslinking customized to the shape of the cornea in Keratoconus. As the leader in Keratoconus […]

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